i joined the For The Love Of Hand Embroidery group.
it is hosted by Jane of Jane's Fabrics blog.
today is:
the What Delilah Did blog and shop.
Delilah's book is called Storyland Cross Stitch.
ok. i'm not gonna lie. having it sent to me was a bit pricey.
but the book is gorgeous. and the designs are spectacular.
and if you have an itch to make something.
you can start with one of her pdf letters.
my first design was part-stitchie and part-cross-stitch.
and chose to mark a grid on the back and there mark the x's.
i consider this project not yet finished.
it's on the wall. see it there with Jane's threads.
but i could not find a 16 in. hoop so instead used an 18 in. hoop.
if i am able to find a very well made 16 in. one i will switch it out.
you really must take the time to visit What Delilah Did.
maybe it's one of Delilah's patterns i have picked!!
and it really is only a few more weeks until my turn.