tucked inside a Starbuck's brown paper bag is Mom's bag filled with goodies *.
i bought this fabric printed with
Red Anthuriums a long time ago. i believe that my Dad used to give these
flowers to my Mom on their anniversary.
also tucked in are the four bags she requested.
when she goes to birthday dinners with her sisters she gives them a bag with goodies in them. i don't know what she puts in them because i am not there.

aren't they sweet ! - i wonder what she will put in them this year ?
*i put ginger cookies, pretty candy, almonds, gum, & a hook so that Mom can hang up all the bags i have given her.
i really appreciate the thank you's i received from my winners of the giveaway - sbonetsue, messiejessie, & corrie. but from corrie i also got a blogged about thank you
here. that's cool !