i don't eat cheese anymore as doctor says i have an allergy to milk products. i can have a bit of butter and some parmesan cheese. although i think i indulge in a bit more than a bit. good thing my favorite pizza establishment makes the best fresh tomato pie. add peppers and onions. it's yummy. the best times i have with my Mom are our regular dinners for pizza. tonight she felt like salad. so most of this is going home with me for t.v. eating.

a few nights ago i went to a free screening with a friend who happens to love Julia Child and cookbooks. so a happy night out. Meryl Streep playing Julia Child was very good and very funny. if you don't go next month you should queue it in your flix list. my fav cookbook has been Clean Food. and the author has been a busy bee in preparation for a new publish of her first cookbook. this one will be available everywhere. i plan to give one away.

i slightly hate to do the peaky thing but i really love what i made so since i know that you all love to be teased.... this will have to satisfy your curiosity. is anyone surprised that i put Sweet Red and Sweet Green together?

August is my month in the quilting bee. if you don't know what that is. all you have to know is that i had to make 11 piles of fabric and put them in 11 envelopes. include instructions on my theme and vision. and send them on their way. and wait patiently as they magically and individually find their way back to my mailbox. apologies. "some" of my readers sometimes have no idea what i am talking about. not you guys. i'm referring to those adorable and supportive family readers. who never comment. but still know what you've been up to.

i also had to make a 12th pile. for me. i get to play too.
We need more than a peek!
That pizza looks good! We all know it's about the sauce - not the cheese!
Your peek looks like it was a lot of fun.
Love the colour coordination with the quilting bee fabrics and thread. I wonder what you came up with?
Mmmm pizza!
I can't wait to see the Julie and Julia movie. I remember watching Julie Child cook on various talk shows. One funny lady. The new cookbook sounds very interesting. I'm a cookbook collector of sorts, I am particular, and I'm always on the hunt for healthful cookbooks.
LOVE the sneak peek. Can't wait to see the reveal. I also love your pile of play fabrics.
Now I want pizza! Yum!
Love your peak. I know it will turn out to be wonderful.
The pizza looks wonderful!
I can't wait to see Julie & Julia. Everyone who has seen the sneak peak has liked it, which is making me more excited to see it.
Pizza - looks yummy! Movie - sounds cute! Sneak peek - seriously not enough!! And last but not least, your fabric piles look so pretty lined up like that. I can't wait to see more of your project!
wow, okay, much to comment on.....first! That pizza looks incredible!!! We are going to try grilling pizza tonight. wish me luck. tomato pie sounds divine.
I can't WAIT for Julia and Julie. I've got some cooking friends and we're planning on going!! Lucky you, to see it first.
Peek...........super cute. and look at your little tags. you messy girl, you!
mmmmm pizza :-)
Yummy pizza....mmmmm....I am really looking forward to the Julie and Julia movie.
The fabrics and the thread are really pretty and whatever the sneek peek is, I need to see more of it!
Your piles of fabric look great! I can wait for Julie and Julia to open here.
That pizza stuff looks good, as do your peeks. Yummy stuff.
Well....you're teasing us all around.....first with yummy pizza and then with your 'quilting bee' 'stuff and things'..oh, but I love it!
how are you liking the book? Charles just got it for me, and I am loving it :)
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