on the 13th i delivered the second part of my
paper bag advent to Mom.

her birthday was on the 17th. so included was a note saying a gift too big to fit in little bag was hidden in her closet. nevermind that it was last year's xmas present. but yeah! i finished her blankie-quilt.
the advents were fun. so i would like to do again next year. taking a break tomorrow a.m. to make cookies at my sister's house. can you believe she told me not to make a mess. then back home to zig-zag the binding on a few more blankie-quilts.
Great Karen! I bet she was suprised to find a gift hidden in her house for her birthday. :-)
I had a big suprise this morning. I woke to find the kitchen imaculate and a note from elves! LOL I think the children got busy after I went to bed.
cute idea ...have a wonderful holiday
I want to do that next year. You are a sweet, sweet daughter. Merry Christmas!
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