it was a reality check. for sure.
thanks to Sinta of Pink Pincushion blog for getting us together.
and getting us to share just how much behind we all are.
so. time now to document a few patchwork projects.
that have been tossed around.
some getting special boxes.
and some just being buried under piles.
until i find them again.
i also miss my Scrappy Sunday posts.
and i really really do plan to make those blocks into a quilt.
can't remember when i starting saving selvedges.
but very happy that i cut (& tore) them at 2 in.
sure that i would want at least 1 in. of the print showing.
been watching everyone's selvedge projects.
and just recently decided upon a (purchased) pattern.
but in cutting the pieces i wanted. mostly. well just the words.
i found that there was much leftover that were not long enough.
or did not show much of the designer & manufacturer wording.
some had nothing but blank space.
can someone tell me what you do with these?
while i went after the selvedge pieces that i did want.
what do you think happened.
i decided to prep for a secondary project.
and then what do you think happened.
you guessed it. really.
i decided to prep for a third project.
this is where the insanity is too late to stop.
so i have cut 6-1/2 in. lengths.
and randomly sewed "twosies'.
these i presume will be arranged in a brick design.
then trimmed up smaller bits into whatever size they were.
thinking they will be some kind of 'jelly-roll-race'.
right now renaming 'very-long-scrappy-bits-selvedge-journey'.
yeah. that sounds accurate.
just a peek at some selvedges sewn together.
i really wanted to show you more.
but i was unable to complete such a large block.
this is going to start on the 20th of May.
and end around November.
for more info see Sara on her Sew Sweetness blog.
she will be gathering all the important posts.
or check out the Flickr group.
i've had the book about a week. deciding on fabric.
then just decided i had to go scrappy.
perhaps a focused color theme.
i love green. particularly olive.
and have a large amount of that color everywhere.
so i made a few blocks to practice.
there are 100 blocks.
and will trust that the sum of all will work itself out.
however i don't want my quilt to be boring.
so i should include a pop of color.
yet still keeping olive the 'Star'.
the schedule seems like it will be 4 blocks a week.
i made 5.
and fussy cut a koi fish print (found at JoAnn's) for another.
but look forward to helpful posts.
that i know Sara has planned for us.
there are some interesting scrappy projects going on out there.
and maybe you (or me) are working on those too.
if you leave a link to your post.
i (and maybe someone else) will come and check it out.
I've made selvedge projects before but not a quilt. I want to see how this works out. Among your other great projects.
Hia Karen,
lovely to hear from you.
I've got a blog which I'm hosting so there are a few tweaks still.
Wordpress tech is new to me.
I've managed to export the jellybeanangel blogs to it but the photos got
lost. Brian is going to write a script for me to get them back in the
right place as far as possible. The Houseelf blog exported fine. It must
be because it is newer tech. If you have any problems do let me know and
I will try to sort them.
How are things with you?
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