have you seen the quilt on pg. 90 of this book? Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts. i found a purple Rose & Hubble print on sale but there was only 2 1/2 yds. the pattern calls for 4 1/4 yds. so i decided to downsize it. but when i got home i wanted to make the full size. turns out that this fabric is not made anymore. and ebay has a few pieces at very high prices. what do i do? what do i do? i guess i'm going to vist a few of the closer LQS in the area to see if more can be found. the first bit on the left will go on the back. but back to the book. yes back to the book. if you need to buy a gift for someone who loves to sew. this is the book you should get. Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts. by Joelle Hoverson. all of the projects are beautiful. Joelle can also be found
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