Saturday, May 10, 2008

Coincidence I Don't Think So

i was watching The Big Bang Theory @ the same time i was using a seam ripper on my niece's fav jeans. that's what her mother told me. i don't know all these things. anyways. if you haven't met Sheldon you should watch the show. --oops they moved the video.--

the funny guy was wearing a t-shirt with lightning bolts made out of the same fabric i was using to to insert into the jeans. so the fabric is very popular. it's still a coincidence. fav show. fav niece. her fav jeans. o.k. not my fav thing using a seam ripper.

take a look.i'll post the finished jeans later.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Just wanted to say hi and that I enjoyed my visit here.