while i wait for the roses to bloom. i continue to take short visits to my local park.

an amazing fragrance coming from the yellows.

across the path from the rose garden there is more to see. i just call these purple pompoms.

a small tree with loads of new buds.

another small tree with these hanging yellow flowers.

behind is the small greenhouse.

in front of greenhouse.

a beautiful mix of new buds and closed flowers and then the fully open ones with large petals and gold centers.

and then i make my way back to this bench to do some knitting.

i love to watch tennis on t.v. so for two weeks the French Open has provided me with hours of knitting pleasure. but then i have to get outside. i have stopped at Starbuck's to knit so much that it was time to check in with my knitting friends at the local shop. i missed last month's sale but went ahead and checked the mark-down-bins. here's a peek at my $4. scarf. i found two lonely skeins in different colors and mixed them in my favorite stitch.

and $10. for yarn i was eventually going to buy anyway i was pushed to overcome my issues with crochet. it was so enjoyable sitting around the big wooden table listening to everyone as they each worked on their own special projects. i missed that.