yikes. time is running out. just enough days left to finish some important presents. this is what i am working on:
making 5. finished 0.

making 16. that's what i said. finished 0.

finished 6. mailed 0.

do you recognize a pattern here. i did actually finish one gift. a beautiful basket. can't show you the goodies. as soon as i can decide which paper to use i will wrap them all up. until then i have put Santa in charge of keeping it safe. Santa is also going to make sure that i don't keep this one for myself.

despite the amount of work i have left to do. i am optimistic about finishing on time. but in case i am sewing up until the last minute. my gift wrapping is simple and ready to go.

if they have any left i would recommend running out to get some lunch size bags being sold by Whole Foods. they are only 79 cents each and i know that each recipient will reuse them many many times. pretty & practical.
this one was used to make basket. but i made changes to three measurements so it would be bigger. the 24 squares were cut 2-1/2 in. instead of 2 in. the bottom piece was cut 12-1/2 in. x 7 in. and the handles were made about 6-1/2 in. long instead of 5 in. because of these changes the lining had to be bigger. & you can't see but there is a 3 in. border of bottom fabric sewed to white cotton.
I'm a queen of UFO's but I have every confidence you will complete what you need to... lunch bags are a great idea!
The little basket turned out very nice. Santa is doing a good job...
Good luck Karen and super speedy sewing. I was out all today so I still haven't taken pics of my latest potterings in the craft room (did try to sound nonchalent there- it's a tad frantic really LOL).
Good idea about the bags.
I think we all belong to the same club.. I am frantically working yet this morning on stuff to get in the mail. I know it won't get there by Chrismtas. :-(
I recognize that Amy Butler fabric.
:-D Really wonderful bag.. I would be very tempted to keep it.
Ok.. let's go!
Love your basket! Even though I never want to see another one again....yours still looks fabulous. the pieced checkerboard looks so great.
I can't even imagine how much you still have to sew. But yes, if anyone can pull it off, you can.
i'm off to see the beach. xxoo
got to love your optimistism! you'll finish in time I am sure ;)
The bags you use for wrapping are beautiful, and reusable?! Doesn't get much better than that!!
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