last week we did it again.

gathered at
Terry's for new recipes. see
here and
here for my other posts on her Clean Food cookbook. she had really fantastic news but i can't give you any details. so on with the quiet. on with releasing the day. on with the
tincha clearing the bad energy. and on with what we really came for. really yummy food.
this time she made Veggie Fries(not pictured), Pan Seared Tofu with Ginger Lime Glaze, Bok Choy Stir Fry, Sesame Forbidden Rice, and Peanut Butter Balls. yummm. yes. this i really wanted to do and needed to do.
i also went to the yarn store with Jessica. right in town is the
loveliest shop.
website pics do not represent the old time feel of the shop. located on the second floor of the
Comstock, Ferre & Co. building.

you can also buy your xmas greens there.

yummm. yes. but this i really did not want to do until January. it was annoying to walk around all those yummy yarns knowing we were just there to pick out a few needed things. but she treated me to lunch a few doors down at The Spicy Bean Cafe. so i did not grumble too much. they really give you spicy green beans with your order. we took it to-go so we could get back to our needles.
I'll bet there weren't many just sitting and kniting this time of year. January you will need to go back.. and spend your Christmas money.
It looks like such a great place to spend a day :)
And that food!!!! YUM!
whoa. do you only eat clean food?
I just don't think I could even go there. i'm sure it does a body good.
nope. I still can't go there.
wow what a shop
am going to look and see how far that is from me here in NJ!
I call these little trips to special shops with special friends and coffee a mini vacation... hope you enjoyed your day!
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