remember the last time
i oodle'd you. picking more fabrics for
Freda's Flowers hasn't been going so well. it's just me. but i have a solution. will update when i make more blocks. magazines are nice to have around. even if you never make anything in them. the first two i saw on
Kathie's blog. and the last one well i just got yesterday.
Beatrice, if you are reading this, the quilt you were asking about is in the first one. i don't like to use my posts to respond to no-reply-comments. but if i'm going to do it for Beatrice i might as well do it for Joan. so Joan, if you are reading this, in October you won a wavy wiper and i had no way of contacting you, so call me.
McCall's Fast Quilts 8/2009. i made
this from pg. 52. and was inspired to do
this from pg. 28. and once again that quilt on pg. 28 has inspired me. funny how some patterns make scraps look so good.

BH&G Sew Scrappy 2010. cover quilt. awesome. i wanna make it. bought the template. oooh look how small that template is. and yet i still wanna make it. going back and forth on fabrics.

Quilt Magazine. 2/2011. cover quilt. equally awesome. could i possibly be thinking about Xmas in January. aren't you?