Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Past and Presents

block 8.
classic pinwheel.
2011 - 12 Days of Christmas.
2014 - Christmas Past (and Presents).

dusting off the ornaments.
must stalk Ebay to get missing ones.
i have a small copper tree and keep these up all year long.
1971. 1992. Holiday 2008. Holiday 2010. 2011. Holiday 2011.
Holiday 2012. Holiday 2013. Holiday 2014. Swarovski® Holiday 2014.

come back on Saturday to see more blocks.


Abby and Stephanie said...

Well I think it's fun to have a year 'round decorated, indoor tree!

Tine said...

I love your starbucks ornaments. I have one of them....bought in Vienna some years ago. I didn't know they make a new one every year :-)