no it's not my BD. this is my 50th post.
Melanie from
Jelly Bean Angel has very nicely picked me for this award.

Melanie always has such creative posts that inspire me to keep my days balanced & interesting.
she's also tagged me:
1. link to the person who “tagged” you.
2. post the rules on your blog.
3. write six random things about yourself.
4. tag six people at the end of your post.
5. let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. let the tagger know your entry is up.
hmmmm, six random things about myself:
1. if i run into you in the afternoon i always say good morning. it drives everyone crazy. it just comes out. while i'm trying to decide if it's appropriate to say good afternoon or good evening "good morning" just comes out first. but if it's the first time i have seen you that day it does seems more pleasant to say that.
2. i love going to the movies. being in the dark with that huge screen. no distractions. just me and the movie.
3. oh & i have to sit up front in the movies. on the right side usually 6 rows back 4 seats in. & i secretly get mad if i see someone in my seat.
4. if i read i have to do it in the morning. reading at night makes me sleep right away. i once fell asleep reading the same page for two weeks before i stopped reading at night.
5. i am jealous of anyone who can read a book in a weekend. it takes me at least 2 weeks to read a small book.
6. i secretly want to be a vegetarian.
now the part i hate. even more since most of my blogreads have already received this. so i'll just pick two. if you have the time. please do your thing.
Pamela on
Pamela's Blog - she's new to blogging but is having fun making videos like
this oneUlla at
Kotkarankki - for creative posts like
this one